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Last weekend saw the BRM P167 Can-Am in action at Shelsley Walsh’s Classic Nostalgia.

The thunderous 8.1 litre Chevy V8 engine created a huge stir in the valley as it roared up the hill climb.

The car didn’t go out on the Saturday due to the rain and the very unforgiving hill climb. Knowing that Sunday was to be better, they saved the thrill until then and the crowds were rewarded.

The ground vibrated under your feet as the car set off to the line and made its way up the hill at speed. This car is always a crowd pleaser.

Owned by Stephen and Andrew Hepworth, this is the last Can-Am car that was built by BRM and restored in 1973 by their father David.

Ian Wagstaff has written a very comprehensive blog for the Porter Press website on the P167 which you can read by clicking the link below